Lab 9

Routing & Routing Protocols



Configure a small network with static routes using the given topology. After configuring two routes on the network, we were to configure RIP. Upon finishing the steps, the instructor introduced a few faults in our network, it was our job to troubleshoot and fix the issues.

Equipment List:

-2x Computer
-2x Router
-2x Switch
-2x Ethernet Cable

Notes and Observations:

We began by configuring “pc1” and “router1” with the following values:

Subent Mask:
Router e0 IP:
Router f0 IP:

Then, “pc2” and “router2” with the following:

Subent Mask:
Router e0 IP:
Router f0 IP:

After testing the network and routes, we proceeded to route from router1 to router2 via the 15.1 interface. In addition, router2 to router1 via the 15.2 interface. Soon after testing the new routes, it was time to configure the RIP. Each of the two routers were assigned new IP addresses in their e0/f0 interfaces. Starting with router1,, and, then moving onto router2. The second router consisted of, and

After ensuring that routing updates were being sent, it was time for our troubleshooting. Upon leaving the classroom, the professor created multiple faults in our network, in which we were to troubleshoot and fix. We pretty immediately gathered that one of our network cables were unplugged, the other took some testing. Our network was down, but not in its entirety. After pinging back and forth, we were able to isolate the source, the IP, Subnet, and Gateway of pc2 was obstructed. After fixing the issues, everything was a-go.
Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:
– Figure 1



1.) What method did you use to test connectivity? Was it successful? If not, why did the test fail?

Ping, route trace. There were a few time when this was not successful, from routers that were restarting on their own, to issues with our PC network settings.

2.) Why do you need static routes on both routers? Why does the route information include the IP address of the other router?

-Because a static route is “hard coded” and each path is specifically specified by the network admin. Static was the best choice for a network as small as the one we created. It would not be optimal in a larger or more complicated network though.

3.) Was there any output from the debug command?


4.) What did the output show?

-Various updates

5.) Describe the process it took to isolate the fault and the actions necessary to correct the problems.

– Ping the other computer and routers
– Check cables
– Check network/router IP, Subnet, Gateway


Troubleshooting was probably the most enjoyable part for me. It was cool to try and figure our what was at fault from an external source. Setting the direct paths of the routers in our mini network was also interesting. We were able to successfully fix our network and get signals throughout.


Lab 8


Video Making – Do the Hitch Cut



Download and edit a video by Alfred Hitchcock using a video downloading tool and Sony Vegas.

Equipment List:

-Sony Vegas

Notes and Observations:

I used an online video downloading tool to download Alfred’s video off of youtube. I then used Sony Vegas to insert a separate clip into a split of the video.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

– Figure 1




Figure 1


First time using a video editing software, some of the basics were covered. Will be doing further research for use on my final project.

Research Topic


Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (). E-commerce: business, technology, society (Tenth ed.)

Jonathan, W. (). . What Impact Will E-Commerce Have on the U.S. Economy?, , 71.

Burn, J. (). Realising B2B e-commerce benefits: the link with IT maturity, evaluation practices, and B2BEC adoption readiness. European Journal of Information Systems, , 806-819.

The History Of Ecommerce: How Did It All Begin?. (2011, October 25). Stay Above Your Competition. Retrieved , from

Lawson, J. (n.d.). In The Beginning: The History Behind eCommerce. ColderICE Ecommerce News Hints Tips Tricks. Retrieved , from

Khurana, A. (n.d.). 11 Reasons Ecommerce Is Taking the Retail World by Storm. Advantages of Ecommerce. Retrieved , from

Regalado, A. (2013, November 4). E-commerce is an idea whose time has come and gone . It’s All E-Commerce Now. Retrieved , from

E-Commerce: It’s an Evolution, Not a Revolution. (2014, March 5). Newswire. Retrieved , from

Transition From Traditional Buisiness to eCommerce/24/7 is Not Just a Slogan. (n.d.). Return to class session. Retrieved , from

Winn, M. (2012, September 14). The Truth About Ecommerce and the Economy. The Ecommerce Authority. Retrieved , from

Lab 7 pt 2




Work as a class to build a working network with subnets. We were to use a minimum of two routers with 3 or more subnets. From there, we were asked to use switches and/or hubs to connect two or more computers to the routers at both corresponding ends of our network.

Equipment List:

-Network Cables

Notes and Observations:

We began with a basic Bus typology to organize our network layout. Our network address was, a class B with a default subnet of After calculating how many subnets we would need, we arrived at the new subnet mask ( We then proceeded to assign IP addresses, subnets, and gateways throughout our network and devices (Figure 1 & 2). After hooking up our routers, switches, and computers, it was time to configure our routers and test our network. So, after configuring the terminals and interface, we pinged various computers throughout our network and got successful responses.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2




Figure 1 & 2

It was nice to work as a class, understanding the subnetting process was definitely achieved throughout this lab.

Lab 7 pt. 1


Subnetting Lab


Create four appropriate subnetworks using the topology given.

Equipment List:


Notes and Observations:

Were were given a topology in which we were to create four subnetworks using the IP “”. After identifying the class (B), I figured the default subnet mask ( A total of 2 bits needed to be borrowed resulting in a subnet of
Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Figure 1

Figure 1




Figure 1


4 subnet addresses were assigned to each of the four segments along with the IP addressesand Gateways.

Lab 6

Packet Sniffing with Wireshark


Download and install Wireshark, use as a packet sniffing protocol analyzer.

Equipment List:

– Computer
– Windows
– Wireshark

Notes and Observations:

We began by downloading and installing the latest version of Wireshark. Then we began to capture packets during the following activities:

  1. Browse to a webpage on a server outside of campus.
  2. Do a file transfer to an FTP server.
  3. Test connectivity to a host with Ping.
  4. Acquire a network address with DHCP.
  5. One other experiment of your choosing. (ping another computer on our network)

After that, we selected various packets in the top pane to find the frame’s protocol type, length, source & destination address information. While gathering information, we compared the similarities and differences. After finding frames containing DNS, ICMP, HTTP, ARP, and HTTP GET information, we analyzed the process of DHCP configuring IP addresses.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2



1.) Find the frame’s protocol type, length, source & destination address information. Locate sequence numbers used by a TCP segment. What is the purpose of these numbers? View other protocol header information. List the field values of one of the protocol headers such as IP, TCP, or UDP.
– IP, 60 bytes
– ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
– 00:1f:d0:55:90:d8

2.) Find the FTP protocol frames that show where your username and password were supplied. What do you notice about these frames? What can you say about the security of the FTP protocol after viewing these frames? Can you locate frames that use the “GET” and “PUT” commands used to download & upload files? Describe what you have learned about the process of an FTP transfer by viewing these packets.
Shows “pass” and “user”
– Not secure
– Everything is listed in order of procedure

3.) Find a frame containing a DNS query. What protocols are encapsulated in this frame? Which of these protocols is a transport layer protocol?

4.) Find a frame containing ICMP information. What protocols are encapsulated in this frame? Which layer does ICMP reside in? What do the ICMP initials mean?
– IPv6
– Layer 3/4
– Internet Control Message Protocol

5.) Find frames containing HTTP information. Approximately how many frames did it take to download the web page? List the different protocols that are used. Note how many protocols are working together to find and retrieve the information.
– 678 bytes
– Ethernet, IP, TCP, HTTP

6.) Open the first HTTP Response frame. Find the type of web server being accessed in this frame’s header.
– Ethernet II

7.) What is the process for a machine to be assigned an IP address using DHCP?
– When a computer or other networked device connects to a network, its DHCP client software in the operating system sends a broadcast query requesting necessary information. Any DHCP server on the network may service the request. The DHCP server manages a pool of IP addresses and information about client configuration parameters such as default gateway, domain name, the nae servers, time servers.

8.) What is the purpose of sequence numbers?
– Help TCP reorder packets that are sent

9.) What is the purpose of source & destination addresses?
– To figure out where data came from, and where it needs to go

10.) What is the purpose of DNS?
– Translates internet addresses into IP addresses

11.) What is DHCP?
– Domain Host Configuration Protocol

12.) What is the relationship between the OSI model of networking and the TCP/IP model you saw in this lab activity?
– Both layered models, used to represent a computer network (physical/software).

13.) What evidence of layered network design did you discover when examining the captured data? How does the wireshark data demonstrate encapsulation?
– Structured protocol with procedure
– Encapsulation was shown in many frames and packets

14.) What are the implications of having a tool like Wireshark freely available? For network administration? For security?
– For both, but could easily be used for illegal sniffing and “tapping”


Very interesting to see exactly what was going on with various protocols. They are many steps and “hoops” to jump through just to load a single web page, at least seemingly to the human eye.

Lab 5

Web & FTP Servers


Create a web server and utilize FTP.

Equipment List:

– Computer
– TCP/IP Network
– Web Browser
– Apache
– Filezilla

Notes and Observations:

We began by downloading and installing the latest binary version of the Apache web server. Once we had our loopback address (, we were able to verify that our server was properly configured and running. We then began to edit the index html file containing the “homepage”. Once edited, we needed to FTP to our server to upload the new files, so we downloaded and installed the latest version of the Filezilla server. Once installed, we added a new user and transferred the file. In order to test our FTP server, we used our log-in through a different computer, with success.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Default Apache Homepage (Figure 1)

Default Apache Homepage (Figure 1)

Path to root directory (Figure 2)

Path to root directory (Figure 2)



1.) What does Netcraft say is the most popular type of web server?
– Apache

2.) What is the corresponding IP address of “local host” loopback address?

3.) What does the default homepage of your server look like?
– (Figure 1)

4.) What is the main configuration file for the Apache server?
– httpd.config

5.) How many languages does Apache natively support?
– 27

6.) What is the path to your document root directory?
– (Figure 2)

7.) Change the language preference on your browser to another language that Apache supports. What language did you choose?
– German

8.) What are some other hardware/software platforms besides Intel/Windows machines that are supported by Apache? Do you think you would recommend Apache as a good server for a commercial application? Why or why not? What costs would be involved with operating Apache?
– Mac
– Depends on the application, probably not
– Cost is free

9.) What is the default address it wants to connect to? Is this the address of your FTP server?

10.) What port does the FTP server run on?
– 20 & 21

11.) What port does the web server run on?
– 80

12.) What http address should you enter to view the aboutme.html file on your web server?

13.) What does the ls command do?
– Provides a list of files to the path specified in the ftp client

14.) Which command would you use to receive or download a file? Send or upload a file?
– recv/get, send

15.) What are some other servers and services that can operate on the Internet?
– Cloud servers



I’ve always wondered how small server were created for gaming, etc. This lab really opened up my eyes to the step-by-step procedure in doing so. I’ve done a lot of FTP stuff in the past, but only on the client side, not server. This lab was much enjoyed.

Lab 4

Exploring TCP/IP Networks


Create a working stand-alone TCP/IP network with IPv4 addressing.

Equipment List:

– Computer
– Network Cables
– Router
– Patch Cords
– Hub/Switch

Notes and Observations:

For our “C” Network, we were able to set unique IP addresses for the computers that were to be ran on our network. Once we switched the setting from dynamic to static, we had privileges to specify our IP addresses (192.168.13 / 192.168.14). Same as followed for our “B” Network, only the last 16 bits were unique, versus 8 bits on “C” ( / / Once we disconnected from the school network, we then connected to our hub, then from the hub to the router. In order to make the router function properly, we had to give it two gateway addresses for both sides of our network ( / We achieved this by using “hyperterminal”. Once we tested the network, everything was a-go.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Our Network Layout

Our Network Layout




1.) What protocol is used to automatically assign IP addresses to machines?
– DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

2.) How did you check connectivity between computers on the same network? Can you think of other ways to confirm that the network works between the computers?
– We pinged the IP’s and confirmed a response
– tracert (Trace Route) can also be used


Everything was pretty straightforward, we did however run into an issue with using the correct ports on our hub/switch. Once everything was wired up properly, we had success. I enjoyed the process of creating a small network, it was interesting to see it all in such a small space, first hand. This lab really helped me see the “big picture”.

Lab 3

Network Devices and the OSI Model



Obtain a better understanding of how the OSI works and operates in real-time. During the Lab, retrieve our IP/MAC address on the computer we are assigned. From there, view the ARP table as well as ping surrounding computer stations and take note of the changes. Count hops to other networks around the globe using “tracert”.Lastly, connect two computers using Cisco’s Catalyst switch, create a new connection and give it a name.

Equipment List:

– Computer
– Network Cables
– Router
– Switch
– USB/Serial Port Adapter
– COM3

Notes and Observations:

Using window’s “command prompt” was fairly easy when following the instructions given while obtain our IP/MAC addresses as well as pinging other networks/computers, using trace route. Connecting two computers with the Catalyst switch was pretty straightforward, we connected the network cables to their corresponding ports and ran “hyperterminal” to create a connection. We set bits per second to 9600, and flow control to: none. Various questions were presented throughout the lab and will be answered below.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

MAC Address & Ports

MAC Address & Ports

OSI Table (Figure 2)

OSI Table (Figure 2)

Trace Route

Trace Route




1.) If we already had the TCP/IP model, why was the more complicated ISO model created?
– It provides a structure that helps us more easily work with networks.

2.) What does the abbreviation “OSI” stand for? Who originated it? When?
– “OSI” stand for: Open Systems Interconnection. It was created by the “International Organization for Standardization” in 1984.

3.) Find a mnemonic for the OSI  model and complete the chart.
– (Figure 2)
All Pros Search Top Notch Donut Places

4.) What is the highest layer of operation for the following network devices: switch, hub, NIC, router, cable media, wireless access point, patch panel, repeater, bridge? What is the purpose of routers, switches, and hubs?
– Switch: 2, Hub: 1, NIC: 2, Router: 3, Cable Media: 1, Wireless Access Point: 2, Patch Panel: 1, Repeater: 1, Bridge: 2.
-Router: forwards packets between computer networks. Switch: used to connect two devices together on a network, only sends messages to devices that request it. Hub: connects multiple devices together on a single network. Participates in collision detection.

5.) What is another name for a physical address? How many bits? When two machines attempt to transmit simultaneously on the same media segment, both messages become garbled and unintelligible. What is this condition normally called?
– MAC Address, 48 bits.
– The condition is called “collision”.

6.) What is your IP Address? What is your MAC Address?
– IP =  MAC = 00-1F-D0-55-9C-4B

7.) What does “ARP” stand for, and what does it do? What is your neighbor’s physical address? What is displayed on your ARP table? What happens when you ping “”?
– Address Resolution Protocol, used for resolution of the network layer addresses  into link layer addresses.
– MAC = 00-1F-D0-56-B4-65
– List of local network IP and MAC addresses. New ARP entry added when pinging neighbor.
– 4 were lost.

8.) What method is used to translate a known layer 3 address into an unknown layer 2 address?

9.) What are layer 3 gateway devices called? What is the “de-facto standard” for logical addresses used today? How many bits?
– Packets
– IP Address, 32 bit.

10.) What kind of information does “tracert” provide? Describe the path from K-State Salina to Kansas Wesleyn.
– Hops, IP Addresses of hops/paths leading to destination.
– Took longer than K-State Manhattan, 14 hops.

11.) What information is provided in the switch MAC Address Table? Does the MAC address shown in the table match the MAC address of the computer that is connected?
– The MAC address of all computers connected to the switch, along with their network type and port number.
– Yes.


Much was learned about the physical address (MAC) in correlation to the IP Address. Tracing routes was very interesting and is something I have never done in the past, it was cool to see how many different hops it would take to reach networks in other countries across the globe. Using the switch was easier than I had originally thought, very straight forward.

Lab 2

Network Cables



Create our own Ethernet cables using twisted-pair cable and RJ-45 connecters and test them by connecting through a workstation to the network.

Equipment List:

– Crimp Tool
– Wire Cutter
– 3 feet of CAT5 UTP
– 2 RJ-45 Connecters

Notes and Observations:

The CAT5 UTP cable must reach the end of the RJ-45 connecter to achieve a properly crimped connection.

Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Figures:

Color Code for T568B

– white orange
– orange
– white green
– blue
– white blue
– green
– white brown
– brown





With proper cabling and tools, it’s a fairly simple and easy process. The network cable we produced functioned properly after completion and testing.